a month ago
Wow Heather, in my mind this is definitely an award winning shot. The composition, colours, reflections… everything makes this a mesmerizing capture.
a month ago
I love to photograph water views and this one had everything a person could want in it with the beautiful textures and sky tones. Thank you so much for your comment, Debra, it is very much appreciated.
a month ago
Like it very much Heather. Once more you choose a nice spot on the water and waited for the duck to ba just at the right place. Great job. The mallard ducks are my favorite models for that kind of shot. The odd pale blue under the beak attrack the eye to the bird, so does the ripple showing the same pale blue lines. Very well done
a month ago
I was so focused on the tones, textures and composition I almost didn't notice the duck heading into the scene. Once I spotted him I held off until he hit the right spot. It was such a delightful capture for me and I much appreciate your comment.